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How do use the 'Bulge' from a polyline

How do use the 'Bulge' from a polyline
Hi,- The 'polyline flags' group is a bit-coded field with bits defined as fol- lows: Flag bit value Meaning 1 This is a closed Polyline (or a polygon mesh closed in the M direction) 2 Curve-fit vertices have been added 4 Spline-fit vertices have been added 8 This is a 3D Polyline 16 This is a 3D polygon mesh.
- The 2d polyline is given 'extra special' treatment by the DXF/DWG converter. First, all bulges in the polyline are converted to arc segments. Next, the converter orients all of the resulting line segments of the polyline so that they are connected in a head-to-tail fashion (a requirement of a 3d polygon).
I'm trying to write a small export utility in VB to write the coordinates of a polyline to a text file and I'm tripping on the the bulge. On a polyline, Autocad reports coordinates and a Bulge on a vertex. I need to convert this to an arc item, and my application supports a constructor with the following arguments: 1. Centre of arc 2.
On a polyline, Autocad reports coordinates and a Bulge on a vertex. I need to convert this to an arc item, and my application supports a constructor with the following arguments:
1. Centre of arc
Dxf Polyline Bulge

3. End Angle
4. Radius
Does anyone have experience with this?
I've managed to +/- understand ow to convert the bulge to an angle, but what I really need is the centre of the arc.
Dxf Polyline Vertex Bulge
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