Sicilian Dragon Theory

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The Dragon variation is one of the key battlegrounds of modern chess, and a perennial favourite of ambitious chess-players of all standards. Black develops his pieces so as to maximize the strategic pluses granted him in the Open Sicilian. If White is to expose a defect in the Dragon, it must be by a direct attack, and this leads to ferocious battles, with White trying to checkmate the black king via the h-file, while Black seeks to gain counterplay down the c-file and on the long diagonal. In the Dragon, many Sicilian themes are seen in their clearest form, with the ..Rxc3 exchange sacrifice particularly important. Even Dragon endgames tend to be very sharp, with Black often possessing a swathe of mobile pawns in return for an exchange, a piece, or even a whole rook. In hazardous territory, a guide is essential, and Edward Dearing has stepped up to offer his services. He explains at length the all-important general themes, and advises on how to choose plans and methods, drawing upon his many years of experience and study of the Dragon. Dearing also provides an up-to-date view of Dragon theory, including many new ideas and suggestions to help the reader tailor his Dragon repertoire to suit his own preferences.
< Chess Opening Theory‎ | 1. e4‎ | 1..c5‎ | 2. Nf3‎ | 2..d6‎ | 3. d4‎ | 3..cxd4‎ | 4. Nxd4‎ | 4..Nf6‎ | 5. Nc3

The Accelerated Dragon (or Accelerated Fianchetto) is a chess opening variation of the Sicilian Defense that begins with the moves:. The Accelerated Dragon features an early.g6 by Black. An important difference between this line and the Dragon is that Black avoids playing.d7–d6, so that they can later play.d7–d5 in one move, if possible. (19) Polgar,Judit (2687) - Kaidanov,Gregory S (2583) B78 Hilton Head Sicilian Theme m Hilton Head (2), Juett,Jason Once again I am indebted to Bragesjo for Sicilian Dragon Theory A state of the art repertoire for Black.

Sicilian Dragon Theory Definition


Sicilian Dragon Opening

Sicilian Dragon Theory
Sicilian Defence, Dragon Variation


5..g6 introduces the famous 'Dragon' variation of the Sicilian defence. While the general themes are easy to understand, the Dragon is a very sharp line with immense amounts of established theory. Against players familiar with the theory, even one slip can be quickly fatal.

The Dragon is probably the sharpest of them, the critical and main line is the yugoslav attack where I'll need to know a huge amount of theory to not be victim of an attack and also get some counterplay, most lines other than the yugoslav and perhaps the levenfish are somewhat easy to play against. The Sicilian Dragon is one of the lines of the Sicilian Defence for Black. The Sicilian Dragon is an excellent Defense because Black prevents White from playing d4 and gaining a strong pawn center. The Main ideas of the Sicilian Dragon.

With 5..g6 Black is preparing to fianchetto his dark-squared bishop. On g7 this bishop will exert considerable pressure on the center and facilitate a queenside attack. However, 5..g6 weakens Black's kingside pawn structure and encourages White to pursue a kingside attack of his own. In most lines, White will castle queenside and attack on the kingside with his pawns, hoping to exploit Black's structural weakness. Because both players are attacking on opposite wings, there is no time to be lost for either side. Subtle maneuvering will tend to take a back seat to sharp tactics in the Dragon.

Sicilian Dragon Chess

General themes[edit]

With the fianchetto on g7, black intends to castle king-side in the Dragon and launch an aggressive attack on both the center and the white queen side. White typically intends to castle queen side, and use a pawn storm on the king-side to strip away the defenses of the black king.

Like all main-line Sicilian variations, black has chosen to trade the c pawn for the white d pawn. This weakens white's center and simultaneously creates a semi-open c file. White trades the central pawn and semi-open c file for a lead in development and initiative.


White has a number of popular attacking strategies:

  1. The king-side pawns tend to storm forward towards the black king, removing his defenses.
  2. The minor pieces tend to occupy the center very quickly, leading to control of the board and opportunity for explosive offense
  3. The white rooks, likewise, tend to have free reign in the center and serve to support king-side attacks.

The Yugoslav attack and close variations tends to be white's most popular line of attack. White's light-square bishop has a number of immediate options on b5, c4 and d3 depending on strategy. The knights may come towards the queen side to aid in defense or may migrate towards the king side to aide in the attack.

Black has an aggressive three-pronged attack against the white queen-side:

  1. The bishop on g7 controls the long diagonal, and puts pressure on white's b2 pawn.
  2. The pawns on a and b will storm up the board and try to strip away queen side pawn defenses.
  3. black will tend to bring the a rook to c8 and control the semi-open file. This will help push minor pieces towards the white king.

Immediate continuations for black, almost irrespective of the next moves played by white, involve Nc6, Bg7 and castling on the king-side. The one major divergence from this plan is the Levenfish attack, which requires specialized safeguards for both the King and his knight.

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The Dragon variation tends to lead to aggressive offense on both sides of the board, with passive or incorrect play quickly leading to bad results.

Theory table[edit]

For explanation of theory tables see theory table and for notation see algebraic notation.

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6

Main lineBe3
Levenfish Variationf4
Be3See Main line

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Sicilian Dragon Theory

Wikipedia has related information at Sicilian Defence, Dragon Variation

  • Batsford Chess Openings 2 (1989, 1994). Garry Kasparov, Raymond Keene. ISBN 0-8050-3409-9.
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