What Undertale Character Are You? The sims 4 free download zip. 1001For 40% you are: You're Sans. Utorrent mac version. You're lazy and like to eat food and make terrible puns but you care for your brother more than anything. Quote: 'You're gonna have a bad time.' 45% of 34560 quiz participants had this profile! Profile A Your score wasn't clear. Be talking to one or two friends about something that happened to you or them Be fixing some kind of social injustice/breaking up and resolving a fight You are at a party and someone offers you an illegal drug. Which Undertale monster are you? My quiz is going to be, 'What Undertale character are you?' Are you fabulous like Mettaton, silly like Papyrus, heroic like Undyne, lazy like Sans? Find out if you fit any of these possible character traits, and more!
If you saw the word 'Undertale' and clicked, you must be a big fan of the show, like me! If the answer is yes, you probably strongly identify with one of the characters. See if you're the character you like most, or get a surprise! Try this test now and find out which Undertale character you're most like!
What Soul Trait Are You
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