Mac How To Edit Info.plist For Java 1.7 Jdk
Technical docs > Configuring Android Studio: IDE & VM Options, JDK, etc > Mac OSX JDK Selection
Mac How To Edit Info.plist For Java 1.7 64-bit
Mac How To Edit Info.plist For Java 1.7 32-bit
Under El Capitan you need to temporarily disable the System Integrity Protection to be able to edit the.plist file. To do that: Click the Apple menu. Hold down Command + R to boot into Recovery mode. Click the Utilities menu and select Terminal. Type csrutil disable and press return. Close the Terminal app. For example, if you are testing JRE version 7u45, set the version in the file to 1.7.099. The JRE periodically updates this file, so make the file read-only to prevent your changes from being overwritten. Run any Java applet or Java Web Start application. The Java Update Needed prompt is shown. Click Later to continue running the application. Create Mac OS X application bundle which uses Java 1.7 on 10.8 → patch Create Mac OS X application bundle which uses Java 1.7 on 10.8 In fact we need to implement this if we want Mac users to switch for Java 7 before we switch JOSM itself (see #9035: I did not understand that our current package cannot be used with Java 7!). As answered by hasternet @ Android Studio was unable to find a valid Jvm (Related to MAC OS) For quick and dirty solution, Follow the answer by Mgamerz; open Android Studio in Finder (CTRL+Click Show Package Contests Contents info.plist) and edit Key JVMOptionsJVMVersion from '1.6.' to '1.6+' Recommended method as discovered by Antonio Jose is to edit environment variables in. Every app and plug-in uses an Info.plist file to store configuration data in a place where the system can easily access it. MacOS and iOS use Info.plist files to determine what icon to display for a bundle, what document types an app supports, and many other behaviors that have an impact outside the bundle itself.